Adult Classes

Unlock your potential and embrace the art of spontaneity with our adult improv classes. Whether you are a seasoned performer, new to the stage, or seeking to develop professionally or personally, our classes offer a dynamic environment where you can explore your creativity, improve communication skills, meet new people, or grow as a performer.
Led by experienced faculty, each class provides a supportive learning community where you can enhance your confidence, try out new skills, or just have a good time. These classes are for everyone 18 or older.
Improv and Self Care
Say “Yes, And!” to self care! During this 4-week class, you’ll learn how the basics of improv can help reduce stress, deal with uncertainty and improve wellbeing. We’re often our own biggest critic. With improv, you can learn how to use your anxiety as a tool for stress reduction - and even have fun with it!
Scenework: Beyond the Basics
This course expands upon the foundations built in our Intro to Improv course. We will continue to explore strong scene building, attentive listening, and committed contribution while working towards solidifying improv fundamentals to make you the best improviser you can be. Intro to Improv is a prerequisite for this class