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In the schools

Our commitment to the community extends far beyond our theater walls.


Whether it's school programs like Improv League, workshops at INTAF or a fundraising show for an elementary school team to compete on the global stage, we're helping to shape the future one improv scene at a time.


Join us as we explore the new ways to bring the magic of improv to students and the community!


INTAF 2023

This year, the Blue Door Theatre was excited to be part of the Inland Northwest Theatre Arts Festival hosted by North Central High School this year.  The festival was designed to nurture a love for the theatre arts among high school students.


Our instructors, Jake, Frank, Michael, and David, brought the fun and joy of improv to the festival, engaging students in interactive experiences.


Our goal in participating is to inspire the next generation of performers and to share the skills of improv with the talented students in our region.

Improv League

Improv League is a transformative program developed and taught by Spokane School of Improv faculty, aiming to provide high school students with comprehensive improv experiences. 


Improv lets students celebrate spontaneity, collaboration, and quick thinking, resulting in unique and hilarious performances.


Through weekly workshops, collaborative shows, and inter-school competitions, students enhance their creative thinking abilities, cultivate soft skills, experience personal growth, and develop relationships with peers from various schools.

Improv and Poetry

The Blue Door Theatre, with our instructor Heather, was able to partner with Hutton Elementary to lead a series of workshops in participating fourth and fifth grade classrooms where students had the opportunity to participate in group improv games paired with creative writing prompts.


At the end of the four weeks, the classrooms enjoy a poetry reading and celebration. Improv and creative writing together can foster empathy, safety, and curiosity within classrooms, which can be especially powerful for students that typically struggle in a classroom environment.


We encourage encourage teachers and students to say ‘yes, and’ to their inner voice, and to learn to listen better to the voices around them.


This section of a child’s poem sums up the freedom to write: 


“Dancing, prancing, twists and turns;

The pencil contacts the paper and it took off

It flew and bounced across the page, creating glittering puffs

of adventure, story, creativity

bravery and decision. 

The pencil created a story. I could create

with strength."


Photo Credit:

Spokane Public Schools


Otis Orchard Elementary School

On May 2, 2023, The Blue Door Theatre partnered with Otis Orchards Elementary School to raise money to help their middle school improv team, Aged Improvolone, get to a global competition. The students are headed to Kansas City, Missouri to compete at the Global level where they will join over 14,000 students from all 50 states and many other countries. After they competed, they came in 5th out of 29 teams. 


We were able to help raise over $3,200 from donations, raffle tickets, and t-shirt sales. It was a great event for everyone involved and we are so excited for how well they did.

Erin O'Halloran Foerg Youth Fund

The Youth Fund was established by the School of Improv's parent organization, The Blue Door Theatre, in recognition of Erin’s retirement after 15 years of service. Her leadership, hard work, and time kept the theater operating and growing over the years. She maintained a commitment to kids and youth doing improv and kept costs low for youth in our community. ​


This fund provides scholarships for Spokane School of Improv classes and camps. It also helps fund Improv League.  


We appreciate your generosity. 


Powered by the Blue Door Theatre


319 S Cedar St.

Spokane, WA 99201

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PO Box 9286

Spokane, WA 99209

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©2023 by Spokane School of Improv. 

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